Forest Bathing 2.0
DENEB invites you to get straight to the source of Forest Bathing and gain new perspectives on well-being through the various nature therapy activities we propose. Our objective: Power up the evidence-based health benefits of forest bathing through several complementary components that will bring you home truly rejuvenated and enriched with insights to improve and sustain your health and well-being.

About Shinrin-Yoku
Japan is the birthplace of shinrin-yoku, a term coined in 1982 by the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, which roughly translates to “making contact with and taking in the atmosphere of the forest through our senses”. Since then, many scientific studies have demonstrated the combined physiological and psychological health benefits of connecting with the scents, sights, and sounds of specific forests:
Strengthening of the immune system with an increase of the activity of the natural killer (NK) cells that play an important role in defense against bacteria, viruses, and tumors.
Lowering of blood pressure and heart rate.
Reduction of stress is a known inducer of almost all lifestyle-related diseases such as cancers, hypertension, depression, cardiovascular diseases, eating disorders, and addictions.
Increase of the expression of anti-cancer proteins.
Dr. Andrew Weil, the world-renowned leader in the field of integrative medicine, writes: “It appears that forest therapy does have measurable health benefits; for example, it can lower levels of salivary cortisol, the hormone that rises when we’re under stress. One Japanese study showed that gazing at forest scenery for as little as 20 minutes reduced salivary cortisol levels by 13.4 percent. Forest therapy can also lower blood pressure and heart rate and trigger a dramatic increase in the activity of natural killer (NK) cells (produced by the immune system to ward off infection and fight cancer). Spending three days in the forest has been shown to increase NK activity by 50 percent, a beneficial effect that can last up to one month.” Among the other benefits, experts believe Forest Bathing provides: The improvement of concentration and sleep and the stimulation of creativity.

The Science & Art of Forest Bathing
At DENEB, we craft programs that range from a half-day restorative immersion to a multi-day holistic journey for the mind, body, and soul.